Mad Day Out die Zweite am 9 April 1969 in London

 The Beatles took part in their penultimate photo session together.
It took place in two locations, with three photographers taking pictures of the group. The first location was at the Madingley Club on Willoughby Road in East Twickenham in London, followed by more shots taken at number 4 Ducks Walk where they boarded a boat on the River Thames.
The Beatles and the photographers took three vehicles to the location - John Lennon's Rolls-Royce, a white Mercedes and a Humber Snipe. The first photographs were taken with The Beatles leaning against the Rolls-Royce, with the Thames behind them.
A crowd soon gathered, and The Beatles obligingly signed autographs. Afterwards the group moved to the second location, where they were photographed climing into a rowing boat, the Fritz Otto Maria Anna. They rowed to a small island in the middle of the river, from which they waved to the camera on the river bank.

Vor 45 Jahren Paul wurde für 9 Tage ins Gefängnis gesteckt in Japan.

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