Julian Lennon new Limited Everything Changes Box im September

Everything Changes Box-Set - Limited to 1000 individually numbered copies.
- Double picture disc vinyl.

- Album (CD)

- Acoustic version of album (CD)

- Instrumental version of album (CD)
- Through The Picture Window (DVD)
- 36 page booklet
- Certificate of authenticity signed by Julian Lennon

Through The Picture Window (DVD) Region - Worldwide (This is a multi-region DVD that will play on any device and in any country)
Feature Length Documentary - Through The Picture Window.
The Visual Album: Everything Changes in 14 bespoke Music Videos including Acoustic versions of all videos.

Also featuring:

In-line links to the Music Videos.
The White Feather Foundation Videos - The Butterfly Artworks.
Bono Interview in full - The Thoughts of Paul Buchanan.

from julianlennon.com 

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