Ehrung für Beatles Manager Brian Epstein

Brian Epstein (starb 1967) wurde mit einer blauen Plakette geeehrt
Die Plakette wurde am Sutherland Haus in der Argyll Street dem Gebäude war das Büro.

I know Brian would have been very proud to think that he had earned a Blue Plaque in the West End of London. He played a very important role in guiding the career of us Beatles and more than that he was a lovely man whose friendship we all valued and who I will always remember with great fondness. Congratulations, Brian. Love from Paul McCartney.

He started like we did. He didn't know the game, neither did we, really. We knew how to play, and he tidied us up and moved us on. He ran a record shop in his father's furniture company, heard about us, or heard about them, I wasn't even with them then; he went down to the Cavern and decided to be a manager. And he was very good. Love and peace. Ringo
Brian Epstein and I were very good friends from the word go, and we liked each other a lot. We sort of ran The Beatles together but he left the music to me and gave me enormous encouragement. The Beatles were number one in Brian's life, as they were in mine. He was a charming man who we lost far too soon, but will always be remembered with affection and gratitude.
I had the deep honour and great fun of getting to know Brian well in those halcyon years from 1964 to 1967 when we all seemed to cram a year of living into every week. The very essence of Brian was that he was an incredibly sweet man who cared deeply about The Beatles and everyone in his orbit. He was not motivated by money but by a desire to make the dreams of his artists and pals come true. How rare and special that was.

At the point that Brian started managing The Beatles, in January 1962, John, Paul and George had been together for five years - yet had not become known outside Liverpool and Hamburg. Brian believed in them passionately and committed himself to fulfilling the dream that John had that The Beatles could become bigger than Elvis. Which seemed impossible at the time. But Brian's tireless efforts on their behalf helped make that dream come true. John never forgot the love that Brian had for The Beatles and his crucial role in that wonderful voyage

TONY BARROW: (Beatles publicist)
Brian was always amazingly faithful to the stars he chose to promote, and the style and scope of management he offered has remained a shining example to the rest of the industry.

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